I am caring for someone:

Who has a mental illness (including addiction)

Caring for a person living with a mental health condition can vary from day to day and from person to person. People living with mental ill health can experience unpredictable periods of wellness and periods of illness, so the caring role can vary greatly.

There are other mental health carers you can connect with and support especially for you.

  1. For you
  2. For the person you care for
  • For you

    The Carer Navigator

    The Carer Navigator is an online resource to help mental health carers navigate the mental health system in the ACT.

    It includes information about the stepped system of care used locally, how to find services appropriate for your needs, information about carer rights and supports and even a guide to the language used in the mental health system.

    The Carer Navigator is maintained and updated by Mental Health Carers Voice.

    Access the Carer Navigator

    Respite at “Your Space”

    For people living with mental ill health and their carers

    • Are you looking for a short break from your caring responsibilities?
    • Need a safe, caring and engaging space for the person with mental ill health you care for?


    Carers ACT and Woden Community Services are partnering to create a free safe space for group activities for people over 16 years of age experiencing mental ill health.

    Your Space, a pilot service has been designed to include programmed weekly, weekend activities in Woden, to enable a person with mental ill health to participate in the community, build their social connection, explore activities of interest and encourage skill building. The service will be overseen by support workers, experienced in mental ill health.

    We are currently taking expressions of interest from carers who are interested in the pilot service which will commence by the end of January 2023 and be ongoing.


    Express your Interest

    Events and groups you can attend with the person you care for

    Sharing stories, knowledge and experience with other carers can remind you that you’re not alone. You can do this with people in your area by finding an event for you.

    Carers ACT runs many special interest groups for carers and the people they care for.  Some groups and activities are for everyone, and some are for people in certain aged groups or demographics.  Please read out event descriptions to see which activities are best for you.

    See current social groups

    Social groups for My Aged Care
    Carers ACT provides social connection programs and groups for anyone with a My Aged Care social connection code.  Our Groups Team organise a range of activities to cater for different interests and cultural groups.

    While our focus is always on carers and their wellbeing, we understand that most people will at some point on their life provide unpaid care to a family or friend. Social groups are one way we can help to build resilient, connected communities and foster support networks.

    Our social groups are accessible to anyone with a social support code through My Aged Care (over 65’s or over 55s for First Nations people).

    Contact Groups Team See current social groups

    Peer Support Groups can help you make connections with other carers who understand and improve your wellbeing.

    Carers ACT runs regular in-person support groups in north and south Canberra.

    See our Support Groups


    Prefer to connect online? 

    The Carer Gateway offers online peer groups.

    Carer Skills

    The Carer Gateway provides online Carer Skills courses offering information, insights and practical tips to help you develop new understanding and skills important in your caring role.

    Go to Carer Skills


    Self-guided Coaching Service

    The online Carer Gateway Self-guided Coaching Service provides you with the opportunity to explore how your caring role affects different areas of your life.

    Go to Self-paced Coaching



    Coaching is about taking time out to think about your own wellbeing and consider how you can find space in your life to balance your needs and the needs of the people you care for.

    Work one-on-one with a coach to identify, explore and move towards your own personal goals.

    Book coaching

    Delivered by Carers ACT and funded by Carer Gateway.


    If you are feeling stressed, anxious, sad or frustrated, a counsellor can talk with you in person or over the phone in the comfort of your own home.

    Access counselling


    Delivered by Carers ACT and funded by Carer Gateway.

    When you connect with Carers ACT, one of the first people you are likely to talk to is a care planner. Our team of care planners have a deep understanding of what it’s like to be a carer because many of us have taken on a caring role ourselves.

    We can work in partnership with you to identify your needs as a carer, support you with skills and resources, help you have more time for yourself, foster relationships and navigate the mental health system.

    Book care planning Meet the care plan team


    Delivered by Carers ACT and funded by Carer Gateway.


  • For the person you care for

    The Carer Navigator

    The Carer Navigator is an online resource to help mental health carers navigate the mental health system in the ACT.

    It includes information about the stepped system of care used locally, how to find services appropriate for your needs, information about carer rights and supports and even a guide to the language used in the mental health system.

    The Carer Navigator is maintained and updated by Mental Health Carers Voice.

    Access the Carer Navigator

    Respite at “Your Space”

    For people living with mental ill health and their carers

    • Are you looking for a short break from your caring responsibilities?
    • Need a safe, caring and engaging space for the person with mental ill health you care for?


    Carers ACT and Woden Community Services are partnering to create a free safe space for group activities for people over 16 years of age experiencing mental ill health.

    Your Space, a pilot service has been designed to include programmed weekly, weekend activities in Woden, to enable a person with mental ill health to participate in the community, build their social connection, explore activities of interest and encourage skill building. The service will be overseen by support workers, experienced in mental ill health.

    We are currently taking expressions of interest from carers who are interested in the pilot service which will commence by the end of January 2023 and be ongoing.


    Express your Interest

    Tailored support packages are designed to provide you with services and support specific to your needs to help you in your caring role.  Call Carers ACT on (02) 6296 9900 or email us below to find out more.

    Contact us

    Read more about tailored support packages provide by the Carer Gateway;

    Learn More

    Events and groups you can attend with the person you care for

    Sharing stories, knowledge and experience with other carers can remind you that you’re not alone. You can do this with people in your area by finding an event for you.

    Carers ACT runs many special interest groups for carers and the people they care for.  Some groups and activities are for everyone, and some are for people in certain aged groups or demographics.  Please read out event descriptions to see which activities are best for you.

    See current social groups

    Social groups for My Aged Care
    Carers ACT provides social connection programs and groups for anyone with a My Aged Care social connection code.  Our Groups Team organise a range of activities to cater for different interests and cultural groups.

    While our focus is always on carers and their wellbeing, we understand that most people will at some point on their life provide unpaid care to a family or friend. Social groups are one way we can help to build resilient, connected communities and foster support networks.

    Our social groups are accessible to anyone with a social support code through My Aged Care (over 65’s or over 55s for First Nations people).

    Contact Groups Team See current social groups