Carer strategy

Carers typically have poorer health, wellbeing, social and financial outcomes personally than the general population, while contributing enormously to the community.  

Carers ACT is proud to work with carers in the ACT and the ACT Government on the ACT Carers Strategy – an ongoing commitment to raising awareness and recognition of this contribution of carers to the broader community.  

Carer strategy

The ACT Carer strategy aims to reduce the gaps in health, wellbeing, social and financial outcomes experienced by carers compared to the rest of the community they support.  

A key aspect of the strategy is that it has been developed for and by carers since 2017 and has successfully increased recognition and rights of carers in the ACT.  

We look forward to expanding this work to deliver increased community awareness, as well as tangible practical outcomes for more than 50,000 unpaid carers in the ACT. 


A community that cares for carers and the people they care for. Supporting carers is investing in Canberra’s future.


Improving community awareness of the value and contribution of carers. We need to work to educate, build knowledge and understanding of the role and work of carers in the community.

The first action plan in the Strategy was delivered between 2018-2021.  Further funding was received in the 2022-2023 budget for implementing the ACT Carers Strategy, demonstrating a significant commitment from the Act government towards achieving a ‘Canberra that Cares for Carers’. 

Funding for the Strategy goes beyond being a win for the region’s existing carers. It is also a critical investment in community resilience and creating a culture of shared care.