Well Being Tips: Help Others (March 2023)

  • Well Being Tips: Help Others (March 2023) image

As carers you spend a lot of time helping others, so “helping others” as a way to wellbeing might seem counter-intuitive, but 5 Ways to Wellbeing encourages us to looks a healthy and fulfilling ways to share that are good for us and good for others.  Outside of your caring role even the smallest act, whether it’s a smile, a “thank you”, or a kind word can also make a difference to the life of others and to your own state of mind.

Find out more about Helping Others as a way to wellbeing here. 


During March, we are inviting carers and the community that carers for carers to consider these ways to help others;

1) Tell your story
Carers ACT works hard to respond to the needs of carers as we are told about them. Your carer stories inform our policy, services and how we influence the community. By sharing your story, other carers will know they are not alone, and the community will better understand your role and challenges. Share you story online, in-person or through Carers ACT. 

2) Act for Carers
Share the Care (and the social posts) this Hands Up for Canberra Giving Day

Organisations and individuals who donate to Carers ACT help us support carers who might not fall into traditional support categories, or who are waiting for support plans.

As we partner with Hands Across Canberra and over 100 other charities and ask Canberra to “give where you live”, Carers ACT is also asking Canberra to Act for Carers, and help those that are always there to help others.

If you value the work Carers ACT does, and want to Act for Carers please consider:

  • Shouting a carer a much-needed opportunity for social connection, for a $5-$30 donation
  • Share the care @ work – Holding a workplace morning tea for awareness or leading your business to workplace to make a corporate donation (cash of auction goodies are both warmly welcomed)
  • Sharing our giving day social campaign with your networks.  If you have been a carer, know a carer of have been supported by a carer, we invite you to repost our campaign and tell Canberra why you Act for Carers this giving day.

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