Xi’s journey

  • Xi’s journey image

Xi is a 40-year-old father of a daughter with a cognitive disability. Xi heard about the supports offered through Carers ACT Carer Gateway through his doctor and reached out to find out more about how the services could help him as he started in his role as a carer.

Xi was connected to our NDIS support coordinator who help him, and his daughter identify his goals and obtain the supports and services needed to achieve these.

Xi’s daughter elected to attend the Hub program and participate in various day time activities. This also enabled his daughter to build life skills and make new friends.

Xi joined the Burger & Beers Men’s Peer Support Group where he connected with other carers and built a support network that understood the journey he was on. This group helped Xi feel connected with other members and learned some tips on how to manage his role as a carer.

Through conversations with his care planner Xi developed a wellbeing plan that enables him to manage the stress of balancing all the roles he has in his life. The plan helps Xi to focus his limited time in the areas of his life that will build his wellbeing. Following the plan helps Xi to feel in control and enables him to take some time out to focus on him.

Xi set a goal to attend “return-to-employment” workshops to improve his chances of securing employment. Through his engagement with the Flexible families Program, Carers ACT provided replacement care so Xi could attend without added stress and anxiety.

With Xi’s daughter attending the Hub Day Program and his newfound confidence in applying for jobs, Xi has now secured employment and is managing to juggle all of his roles with renewed hope for the future.

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